Caribbean Log Tracker

Joel Brown | Aug 27, 2023 min read

A Real-Time Data Management Solution

Ever thought about how to make sense of all the data you have just floating around your business? This application, Caribbean Log Data Dashboard, built with React Leaflet, MySQL, and Laravel aims to address that.

Dashboard Architecture

  • React Leaflet: For the cool interactive map you see on the dashboard.
  • MySQL: Where all the data lives.
  • Laravel: Makes sure everything talks to each other nicely and keeps it secure.

Enter and Modify Data Like A Breeze

  • Quick Short Forms: No more endless scrolling.
  • Drag-and-Drop: Move things around as you like.
  • Real-Time Validation: Know you’re good as you go.
  • Cool Animations: Because why not?

External Data? No Problem

You’re not limited to static data. Need to pull in some weather info or maybe some real-time shipping or employee data?

  • APIs: Use RESTful APIs to pull in data from pretty much anywhere.
  • Webhooks: Set up webhooks to get real-time notifications and updates from other platforms.
  • SNMP: For the network junkies, we support Simple Network Management Protocol. Monitor devices like routers, switches, and servers right in the dashboard.
  • Live Database Connection: Our system can hook directly into a live MySQL database.

Real-Time Goodness

We’ve got real-time updates! Thanks to Laravel events and a little help from the Ably platform, any changes get pushed to everyone who’s logged in. No more hitting the refresh button like it’s 1999.

Hop Between Regions

Region Hop

Data Filters

You can slice and dice the data however you want. Need to see stats for a specific parish or region from a certain date and time? No problemo. The front-end is all React, so it’s smooth like butter.

Parish Hop

What’s Next?

Open-Source code will be released soon. See the single-user Jamaica beta version here.

Got questions or want to collaborate? Contact me